“We joined CureDuchenne more than a decade ago in their mission to find a cure for Duchenne. We partnered with CureDuchenne because they are steadfast in identifying and funding promising research…”

When our two sons Timothy, 13, and Andrew, 10, were diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy there was little hope. We were told there was no cure or treatment and that a miracle was needed. The diagnosis of Duchenne was explained to us with total devastation and overwhelming darkness.
We made a choice to fight from our heart. Our faith and our resolve resulted in us pushing back the dark with a relentless belief we could see light in a dim reality.
We joined CureDuchenne more than a decade ago in their mission to find a cure for Duchenne. We partnered with CureDuchenne because they are steadfast in identifying and funding promising research. They are focused on finding a cure and providing resources and the best standard of care for children with Duchenne.
We started out raising awareness and fundraising for CureDuchenne by running the Austin Marathon. We have continued to do this for the past 11 years.
During our journey, we enlisted our circle of friends and their friends’ circle of friends. It led to Mack and Sally Brown hearing Timothy’s story. The legendary coach of the University of Texas Longhorn football team, Mack was instrumental in helping us launch the first Champions to CureDuchenne gala. We are now going on our eighth annual gala this April. Mack didn’t stop there. He teamed up with his friends, country music artist Jack Ingram and Mathew McConaughey to create Mack, Jack and McConaughey to benefit five children’s charities, including CureDuchenne.
With a common goal, this circle of support keeps growing and growing. What started out small and local soon turned into a Texas-sized effort to find a cure for Duchenne. We have successfully raised more than $1 million dollars locally for research and the darkness is now reversing as we are seeing a glow on the horizon.
Every year we see an increase in the symptoms and challenges, and recently we received crushing news that our 13-year-old’s heart is starting to decline. Heart failure is the main cause of death for those with Duchenne. Timothy is still walking, but this won’t be the case for the future if we don’t find a treatment soon. It’s devastating to know your two children, your legacy, won’t outlive you. There is hope as a cure is close; it just takes funding.
While we have made great strides in finding a treatment, there is still much work to be done. Without a cure, boys with Duchenne will have their life cut short way too soon. By supporting CureDuchenne you are investing in a treatment pipeline for the future survival of all those with Duchenne. We need more champions to help us find a cure.
All parents can have this kind of impact. In order to find the cure, we believe that we all need to help fund the cure. We encourage Duchenne families to help us fund critical research. Accelerating research to find a cure is the only thing that will help save our sons. Powered by faith and love for our children we will continue our efforts until there is a cure for all those with Duchenne. Join us, take action and fight for your children.
Tim and Laura Revell