Jennifer Wallace Valdes, PT

Jennifer Wallace is a physical therapist. She has been practicing in pediatrics since 2002. Her first evaluation as a licensed physical therapist was with an undiagnosed boy who exhibited all of the signs of Duchenne. Upon her recommendation, the family sought a definitive diagnosis. The experience led Jennifer to establish Duchenne Therapy Network to further assist those with muscular dystrophy.
Jennifer graduated with honors from Chapman University where she obtained a Bachelors of Science degree in Exercise Physiology and a Master of Physical Therapy. She has been an elected representative of the California Physical Therapy Association.
Jennifer is dedicated to helping the families of and the boys who have been diagnosed with Duchenne. Jennifer firmly believes that there is more that we can be doing including earlier diagnosis, developing a standard of care based on the most recent information, using a comprehensive care management model and ensuring a better continuum of care.
Jennifer has developed a passion for working with the boys, families and professionals connected to the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy. She finds it extremely beneficial to create an open and trusting relationship with all who are involved in the boy’s care, especially with the boys themselves.