Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 1:00 PM MT
Billings Livestock Commission | Montana
Calves to Cure DMD is an all-class cattle sale organized by Paul and Laura Heaton, whose son Grant lives with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Over the last three years, the event has raised more than $60K for CureDuchenne, a nonprofit organization committed to improving the lives of those affected by Duchenne through accelerating research to find the cure, improve care and empower the Duchenne community.
How to get involved
Enter the raffle for a chance to win 1 of 8 boxes of beef (approx. 50 lbs of premium beef) per drawing!
Note: Raffle will be drawn in Montana (not California) at the auction on Sept. 15 and winners do not have to be present. All winnings will be delivered in January 2023.
Make a donation.
Interested in donating cattle?
Fill out this form and send it to calvestocuredmd@gmail.com
All cattle donors will be entered into a raffle to win a Savage Axis II XP 6.5 Creedmore Rifle!

Our names are Paul and Laura Heaton. Our son Grant is seven years old and was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy at age three. Duchenne is a genetic disease that destroys muscle, all of them. There is no cure or real treatment for Duchenne. Boys that are affected by it don’t make it out of their 20’s and are wheelchair bound from around age 10 to 15.
We are dealing with this disease as best we can and doing what we can to keep Grant ambulatory for as long as possible. To this end we do physical therapy, swimming, horseback riding, daily stretches and exercises at home, along with doctor appointments. This is what we can do to help Grant.
Along with all of this we thought that another thing we can do is raise money for research towards a cure and viable treatment. To do this we decided to have a cattle sale. Billings Livestock Commission and Cure Duchenne have been (thankfully) willing to help us. Sellers can bring in a calf, yearling, cow etc. and donate either all of their check for that animal, a set dollar amount or a percentage of the sale price.
All money donated from the sale will go to Cure Duchenne and then to research that will hopefully benefit Grant. All donations will be tax deductible and go to find a cure for this disease. We would like to say thank you for helping us with our cause and hope to see you September 15 in Billings at BLS.
Paul, Laura, Elyse and Grant Heaton
For questions or to donate cattle, contact Paul Heaton at calvestocuredmd@gmail.com or 406.660.1208
Follow us on Facebook: Facebook.com/calvestocureDMD

CureDuchenne is a national nonprofit raising awareness and funds to cure Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Paul and Debra Miller founded the organization in 2003 after their son, Hawken, was diagnosed with Duchenne. Since then, the organization has funded numerous scientific projects to fast-track research and new treatments for Duchenne, while advocating for the community with education and support programs.
CureDuchenne is a charitable nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Tax ID #20-0299958.

Please contact Nancy Young at 949.872.2552 x117 or nancy@cureduchenne.org for more information on sponsorships.
With your sponsorship of Calves to Cure DMD, you will be helping to improve the lives of the Duchenne community and supporting lifesaving research for this generation and future children and young adults diagnosed with this fatal disease!

Kara Peltier, Farmers Insurance